MEMORIES, sometimes they are all you have to look apon

REMEMBER WHEN......TOTALLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION... IT LIKE stops at 9/99 and it will be fixed later....(this is beckys idea...i am just making one of my own...)

~we were in 8th grade~

~we spilled soda on the floor and tried to blame it on the dog~

~we had a Sleepover and the next day amber said to her mom."but mom, honzel was trying to attack me, i had to use the pink highlighter"..~

~we went on the best trip of our lives to Washington D.C.~

~we stole Woody and Joe~

~the guy on the street outside the capitol was trying to sell us these books~

~we asked Lauralee? isnt that your corner?~

~we stepped into the band room for the first time~

~Band Camp 96'~

~Amber amd lauralee were flying!!!~

~It was not hot.....and there are no bugs.......~

~we had a(singualr) CORN RUN~

~Ed taught us: C-s for corn....O-s for OOOboy was it late......R-s for are you awake yet?......N-s for NOOO.~

~Ed had sleep walking problems~

~we entered the highschool....~

~we did prelude interlude..~

~we WERE the backdrop..~

~we came in second to last and jumped for joy..~

~we had Mrs Dingler for Algebra one, although we did not spend more then two days a week in class(amber)~

~we all went to homecoming and did not get ditched by our dates~

~everyone on the band bus hated eric?~

~Honz was everones best friend...he listened too us!!~

~Band camp 97!~

~Kim forgot she took her clothes off ntil the next day when mr. a. came to the door....~

~Kim got stuck in the tree~

~Nicole MC'd untalened night...

~ the goat appared on the marching field..~

~ the gibsons did summer lovin as Mr.Cook. and Marcia

~We got second to last and cheered?~

~We all kicked the goat?~

~no one could breath after we dd the field show?~

~we EXPERTLY stole the guys recorder?~

~the guys sat at one table and the girls at the other?~

~the girls one the war~

becky and Liza played every other not of the field show?~

~sarah and eric wewre going to be rebels with their solos?~

~Jeff and Doug kidnapped Ash~

~Becky and i stayed up all night on the internet eating crackers and dip~

~Can you say Mummers parade 98~

~no one got grounded but sarah?~

~there were those to drunk guys on the speed line after the parade?~

~alll the way to becky's house la kept saying "i know we got caught~

~Becky said "ready Lisa" slammed on her brakes and we heard a thud on the floor of the backseat!!~

~Stinger and the 3 minute joke~

~ stinger and ash were going to "duke" it out...~

~We were supposed to be at the libray? "yes mom we are there..."~

~Hurff lived next to the truck stop?~

~Tesh and I thought we were going to die and la kept screamng its all over~

~we went to gibbstown?~

~The seniors came beck from senior trip soooo burnt we thought they were tomatoes~

~Wr played how many people can you fit in one bathroom?~

~ BOSTON 97'~

~ jenn hit la in the eye with a fish?~

~At convocation Mrs. Ellis messed up on Like an eagle?~

~ Julie and La started the "we fell ofdf our bikes club~

~becky cried because jule said there would be no more road trips...~

~ ash put an invitation to beckys party in the Kalnas mailbox..~

~ Mrs. Kalnas Called BECKY to say Jon could not come because of nationals...~

~ we went to the mall... and stinger thought he could pick up girls??

for more of the remember are links to my friends pages...

~Prom 98'~

~jay amd jon refused to tell kim they were not going to her house~

~jay and jon mad up excses of why they were late......deena and i knew better~

deena and i were left ast post prom?~

~ we saw the scary death like clown in mcdonalds after post prom?~

~Walking through shop rite....we were the only ones in ther!!~

~becky yelling about how she wanted a coloring book...~

~Stealing the a cop was behind us..~

~Deena and her wacked out story about how we had the signs for an englis project.....~

~The awesome breakfast kim made~

it was clown day at the shore and deena and i freaked all day long~

~jon becky and i walked on the beach, and it was cool..~

~we chilled on the rock jetty~

~becky and i helped jon pick out a fatty hat and glasses~

~becky tried to tell ash we should not go home and just go to get icecream...but noooo~

Laurie was going to be all she can be.....~

Jenn and I chased the hurff mobile late after the spring concert?~

~Ambers new deck....yelling at randy to take his medicine~

~Coloring.....It is becoming a new thing to do...~

~the Phillies game...2 summers ago.....Eryn walked by and BAMN the arm fell~

~When we were supposed to be 1. eating dinner and then a movie on my part.....2.dress shopping and sleepover on las part...~

~we went to The AWESOME Save Ferris concert...~

~ we got our SIGNED SHIRTS~

~we got lost on our way to warton~

~ we stopped at checkers and i ordered a chilli dog without chilli?~

~we got to the park and it was like something out of a horror movie!~

~the yearbook was named aquila...~

~the band was nice to all other teams~

~we went to sterling to see tamisha and.. pat~

~becky told jon i was nervous before coming to sterling and i almos wacked her~

~becky had long hair~

~la wasnt wth stinger~

~Honz was everybodies best friend~

~ we went with 5 people to see Home grown.. but only 2 got in!~

~at the home grown concert becky got to keep Ians water bottle~

~Johnny signed becky's plate "hoof arted eyes melted"~

~I jumped out of the car so that i could get my picture with Adumb~

~Kevin acted as if he was best friends with adumb!!~

~Friendlies after the lip synch~

~"so where did we leave off?

~a conversation overheard from the next table "how far is it to January?" sean replys as he is eating.. "11 months d----t"~

~we played twister at la's house?~

~we went to play pool and it looked like sean and Brian were dating?~

~rich yelled "get out of here you lesbian~

~we went to friendlies and sean pretended he was gay so that the waitress would give him a colored straw?~

~we had fat in a can?~

~we watched wrestling in my living room and la had to sit on sean because stone cold won?~

~Amber conducted in front of the room, and slow took on a whole new meaning?~

~la said "do you want to drink out of my soda because..........."~

~rich threw the football in band and hit some girl in the butt~

~we threw la a surprize part?~

~we forgot to say surprize until she did!~

~la finally did not get dumped on her birthday!~

~we played pacman and fit 7 people on the water bed~

~mr a. was like 20 min late to class and we were all going to leave!~

~everyone was dragging after going to see PM~

~we said it was food night~

~we all went to Ritas after the bonsals concert~

~Canada 99'~

~Gatsbys.....umm AHHH~

~we said we were going to the shore.. and ended up in westminster~

~all the construction driving~

~penn state like rose out of the ground~

~Lauralee left sean at ABC~

~lauralee and sean like broke up 10 times in one week~

~some one said they found a perfect 10.. and then somone else said well if they fell for you they must be desperate~

~we bitched about diana~

~mrs jasper had a "talk with her"~

~people in the senior class did not know what congenial meant~

~hurricane floyd was a coming?~

~we had no school?

~parents night was canncelled~

~we made the band front membeers do their routines blind folded~

~rich wore his "go away floyd shirt~

~mr a. found out like 10 people were missing the "new" parents night because of a hockey game~

~OK... THAT was in like Septemeber of Last year.... I dont even know what went on after that... I can try to make somethings up..*L*

~Homecoming 99

~We had so many people at my house we didnt know what to do

~The one who shall remain nameless... thought she could steal my date

~My date was almost late to homecoming


~The best of my quotable moments with the Road Possey..~

- her head looks like someone tried to put out a forestfire with a screwdriver-


-why are you trying to cut a napkin with a spoon-


-let me do it-

-look what i can do!-

-fresh goat milk fudge-

-how freah you want-

-you want stir fry-

-scream if you see a pizza place..... ahhh.... oh wait that was a liquor store.. i got confused-

- i just woke up and we were in the ghetto-

-wheres chesnut street? there it is.. there it went-

-i got guns-

-whats under your hat-

-today is not sex night that was last night...-

-8-28-99 is sex night-

-b....b....b....first name b...-

-watch out.. the bridge may be icy...-

-why is there a barn in the middle of the road?-

-Where are we-

-What time is it-

-Look at those hills...they ain't hills, thems mountains-

-I miss Mollie...-

-today is not SEX day.. its just not-

-you cant come in my house... you are just too loud-

-dont touch me like that...-

-how can you be soo vile in my house?-

-why does the kitchen table look like a shopping isle?-

-if you go to fix your shirt one more time...-

-you can stop fixing your chest now-

- i am sorry but my chest does not need "adjustment"-

-ok it is 2am... GET OUT.. and take the uno with you..-

*Beckys remember whens*

*Sarah's remember whens*

*The Party wagons remember whens*

*Julies remember whens*

*Stos remember whens*

*Seans remember whens*

*Lauralees remember whens*